Webinar 5G-MOBIX French Trial Site's results and lessons learnt on 5G for CAM
The 5G-MOBIX EC project trials have been assessing the added value of 5G connectivity for connected and Automated Mobility (CAM) services and functionalities in cross-border conditions. 5G-MOBIX trial sites include two Cross-Border Corridors (Greece-Turkey and Spain-Portugal) and six local Trial Sites in France, Germany, Netherlands, Finland, China and South Korea (bringing complementary insights to the cross-border issues trialed at the Corridors).
This webinar presented the French Trial Site contributions related to service continuity and dynamic communication quality aspects for the infrastructure-assisted advanced driving use case.

Camille Plestan has a degree in European project management and works as a European project manager at VEDECOM since 2019. She is in charge of setting up collaborative projects at national and European level on connected and automated vehicles. Recently involved in the European H2020 project “AUTOPILOT” on IoT for automated driving, she was co-leading the work package on trials coordination on 6 pilot sites (FR, ES, NL, FI, IT, KR) deploying 4 use cases (Urban driving, Platooning, Highway Pilot, AVP). She is now in charge of the coordination of 5G-MOBIX trials.

Laurent Février has worked during 20 years for military communication systems in Thales where he was involved at the early days in ATM (2 Patents), OMG and SdR. Then he has managed during 14 years the NEC R&D center in France dedicated to 3G and 4G technologies with strong involvement in standards and participation in several EU projects on Cognitive Radio and Device to Device. Since 2015, Laurent is a Chief Engineer in VEDECOM for several national and EU R&D projects, addressing communications (DSRC, cellular) and perception infrastructures for automated vehicles with R&D challenges around cooperative perception and cooperative driving.

Dr. Pierre Merdrignac received a Master of Engineering from Telecom Bretagne, Brest, in 2012 and his Ph.D. in robotics from Mines ParisTech in 2015. He was a Ph.D. student in RITS Team at INRIA Paris and in VEDECOM institute from 2012 to 2015 and a research engineer at INRIA from 2015 to 2016. Since 2016, he has been a researcher at VEDECOM working in the delegated driving and connectivity research axis and is currently leading the connectivity activities. His research interests include cooperative ITS, communication technologies, multi-source information fusion, context awareness.