Webinar 5G-MOBIX Netherlands Trial Site's results and lessons learnt on 5G for CAM

The 5G-MOBIX EC project trials have been assessing the added value of 5G connectivity for connected and Automated Mobility (CAM) services and functionalities in cross-border conditions. 5G-MOBIX trial sites include two Cross-Border Corridors (Greece-Turkey and Spain-Portugal) and six local Trial Sites in France, Germany, Netherlands, Finland, China and South Korea (bringing complementary insights to the cross-border issues trialled at the Corridors).

This webinar presented the Netherlands Trial Site contributions and trial results testing 5G service continuity solutions for the different applications concerning extended sensing, advanced driving (collision avoidance) and remote driving. The webinar also included videos from the trials and an interactive Q&A session to drive discussions on the results and lessons learnt from the trials.


Sven Jansen is a Senior Consultant Automated Driving at TNO Traffic & Transport. He has been employed in the automotive domain at TNO since 1990, as a follow up of his study on Vehicle Technology at the Delft University of Technology in The Netherlands. During his long career he has been involved in control development for vehicle safety and automated driving, including a full-scale SAE Level 5 truck in 1998, an autonomous AGV in 2002. More recently he has been organizing local trails and demonstrations in The Netherlands as part of EU project C-Mobile (C-ITS deployment), AUTOPILOT (IOT for Automated Driving) and 5G-MOBIX (5G requirements for Automated Driving). Currently he is one of the TNO representatives in the CCAM partnership, following his lead role in the working groups on Road safety and Cyber security of the CCAM platform.

Geerd Kakes is the technical lead for fieldlabs at KPN. He has contributed to different 4G/5G for connected and automated mobility (CAM) projects (Concorda, 5G-MOBIX and 5G Blueprint). Geerd has studied at the Technical University of Delft in the field of information and communication theory and graduated in 2001.

Johan Scholliers is principal scientist in the Automated vehicles team of VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland. He has worked over 20 years in the field of road safety and connected and automated vehicles. Currently he is involved in several projects related to piloting of Connected and Automated Driving, such as 5G-MOBIX, 5G-ROUTES and 5G-SAFE-PLUS. He is also assisting the Finnish authorities in the NordicWay projects and participating in several C-ROADS technical task forces.

Peter-Paul Schackmann is senior project manager and lead within TNO on the topic of connected mobility, making the connection between the ICT and mobility domain within and outside TNO. He has worked for over 10 years in this field of Smart mobility, managing projects (sometimes combined with having the technical lead) in which the added value of connectivity for mobility is being investigated, on paper and in practice on the road.
Peter-Paul is responsible for project management for past and current H2020 / HEU projects in this area. These projects, both national and international, include C-ITS projects in the early years, like (pre-)DRIVE-C2X, SPITS and Contrast and more recent projects like MOBiNET, InterCor, 5G-MOBIX & 5G-Heart. He is also active in the C-Roads platform. In recent years, CCAM (Connected Cooperative Automated Mobility) projects, combining C-ITS with the automated driving activities of TNO, are becoming more and more prominent. In these projects the added value of connectivity for automated mobility is being investigated. Different technological aspects are being investigated, as well as the impact of CCAM on the individual level, traffic level and societal level, in terms of traffic efficiency, traffic safety and traffic sustainability.

Jos den Ouden is Project Manager and researcher AI for CCAM and Robotics with the Eindhoven University of Technology and has a background in Control Systems Engineering and Vehicle Dynamics Control. He has worked in Automotive industry since 2007 for DAF, Punch Powertrain and TNO. In the past he has been involved in both GCDC competitions in 2011 and 2016 (part of ao. H2020 iGAME) as a technical lead of the joint Fontys-TU/e team, focusing on V2V communication enabled automated driving. He has been involved as technical lead for the TU/e Pilot Site in the H2020 project AUTOPILOT in which the functionality and safety of automated driving vehicles was enhanced using IoT. Furthermore, he is responsible for technical project management for past and current H2020 projects including inLane, Cloud-LSVA, VI-DAS on localization, mapping and vision inspired ADAS. In 5G-MOBIX he is working on the remote driving use case, specifically focusing on vehicle development and execution of trials regarding positioning.