In the media
5G-MOBIX Spanish-Portuguese Cross-Border Corridor Final Demonstrations
Publication date | 30 September 2022On 13-14 May 2022, 5G autonomous driving public demonstrations were organised across the Spain-Portugal border at the International Bridge Tui-Valença, as part of 5G-MOBIX Final Event.
China's 5G+ self-driving technology adds momentum to "China-Europe Horizon 2020"
Publication date | 08 June 2022A reporter from Science and Technology Daily learned from the Institute of Automation of Shandong Academy of Sciences that the institute has made a major breakthrough in the field of 5G+ autonomous driving technology and successfully developed an intelligent vehicle platform and vehicle-mounted intelligent terminal equipment.
5G-MOBIX Greek-Turkish Cross-Border Corridor Demo in the Media
Publication date | 19 May 2022On 10 May, in the presence of European Commission officials and other high-ranking representatives from the Greek and Turkish political and business worlds, a public demo event was held at the Greek-Turkish cross-border road bridge of Evros between the towns of Kipoi and Ipsala.
5G benefits for automated vehicles: first lessons learned by 5G-MOBIX French trial site
Publication date | 18 May 2022The 5G-MOBIX project aims to evaluate the contribution of 5G on connectivity for Connected and Automated Mobility (CAM) services and functionalities, under cross-border conditions. The 5G-MOBIX test sites include two cross-border corridors (Greece-Turkey and Spain-Portugal) and six local test sites in France, Germany, the Netherlands, Finland, China and South Korea. The local sites provide additional and complementary contributions to the cross-border trials
La France prépare l'arrivée de la 5G
Publication date | 27 April 2022Même si l’Asie est en avance, l’Europe mise aussi sur la 5G pour faciliter la communication entre les véhicules et l’infrastructure. Et dans l’hexagone, un programme associe les industriels de l’automobile, les opérateurs télécom et des acteurs de la route.
CTAG realiza pruebas de conducción autónoma en el Puente Internacional que une España con Portugal
Publication date | 07 March 2022Se han iniciado las pruebas de conducción autónoma en el Puente Internacional de la A55 que une España con Portugal.
El vehículo autónomo reportará grandes beneficios en el ámbito económico y en la sociedad
Publication date | 20 July 2021El 14 de julio participaron en el debate "Hitos y de la Conducción Autónoma en España" Aitor Fernández – Presidente AEVAC, David Fidalgo – MD AEVAC, Ángel Niño – Concejal en Madrid delegado de Área de Innovación y Emprendimiento. Presidente de MercaMadrid, Álvaro Ramis – VP Business Development and Alliances – Bestmile, Juan Carlos Ibarra – Manufacturing & Logistics en Nokia y Fernando Rodríguez – VP, Strategic Development Product Testing Americas en Dekra.
Trials and Pilots for connected and automated mobility brochure
Publication date | 21 June 2021This brochure aims at providing a schematic and visual summary of the key use cases, key performance indicators, and tests and pilots being conducted in the context of research and innovation projects funded by the 5G-PPP which contribute to enabling efficient and reliable 5G-V2X communications for CAM.
ERTICO advances smart mobility at the EUcnc & 6G Summit
Publication date | 16 June 2021From 8 to 11 June, European projects 5G-MOBIX, 5G-LOGINNOV (both coordinated by ERTICO) and 5G-META (coordinated by ERTICO Partner Vicomtech) participated in the EuCNC & 6G Summit presenting their activities that advance 5G in the automotive and logistics sectors.
Sustainable autonomous mobility: a technological, economic and social revolution
Publication date | 17 May 2021The 'situation of autonomous and sustainable mobility' was the protagonist of the event held at the Palacio de Neptuno in Madrid. Organized by the MKT Mobility Observatory, together with Skiller Academy and the Spanish Association of Connected Autonomous Vehicle (AEVAC), it had experts from the sector who delved into the present and future of the same, in a hybrid event with streaming retransmission.
The user, the key to achieving autonomous and sustainable mobility of value
Publication date | 04 May 2021[...] In addition, the association explains that they are developing proposals for autonomous vehicles such as the 5G-MOBIX project : “It is the largest project at the European level that links 5G technology with autonomous mobility and seeks to study what happens when a vehicle makes a transit in border. From AEVAC we are responsible for studying those recommendations that are going to be issued to the European Union related to the standardization of 5G ”.
Alsa is the only people mobility company in Europe to participate in the 5G-MOBIX project
Publication date | 16 April 2021The 5G-MOBIX project, co-financed by the European Commission under the Horizon 2020 Program, was approved in 2018 with the aim of developing and testing functionalities in automated vehicles using 5G along cross-border corridors, connecting tests in rural environments with other urban tests, under conditions of vehicular traffic, network coverage, demand for services, considering at the same time the legal, commercial and social aspects.
Automated Vehicles in Winter Traffic
Publication date | 30 March 2021The international 5G-MOBIX project funded within EU Horizon 2020 programme works to qualify 5G for automated driving.
Use case: Remote driving with interconnected 5G networks
Publication date | 15 March 2021If you want to drive a car remotely using a mobile connection, and you want it to be safe, the connection between the car and the driver must be super fast, with a minimum of latency.
Publication date | 09 March 2021As the transport industry continues to undergo a digital transformation, 5G will play an increasing role in the future of mobility. Together with European Commission’s DG CONNECT, ERTICO Partners Huawei and Vicomtech, ERTICO considers the opportunities and challenges brought by 5G in vehicle-to-everything (V2X) offerings and how data privacy and security is dealt with as the industry becomes increasingly interconnected.
Un corredor 5G entre Vigo y Oporto testará el coche autónomo del futuro
Publication date | 08 January 2021El proyecto internacional 5GMobix iniciará pruebas transfronterizas en el segundo semestre de 2021.
AKKA busca consolidar su posición a la vanguardia de la tecnología 5G
Publication date | 07 January 2021AKKA participa en los proyectos de movilidad y logística 5G-META y 5G-LOGINNOV, dentro del marco Horizonte 2020 de la Unión Europea, con los que consolida su posición a la vanguardia de la tecnología 5G.
5G MOBIX – Hacia una movilidad autónoma y conectada en Europa basada en el potencial del 5G
Publication date | 15 December 2020Uno de los más ambiciosos e innovadores proyectos de movilidad se encuentra por completar su fase inicial. Después de haber sido lanzado en 2018 con un plan de desarrollo a 3 años, el sistema 5G-MOBIX se aproxima a su punto crucial, donde quedarán de manifiesto sus capacidades para ofrecer un entorno interconectado, que permita generar formas más eficientes de movilidad para los vehículos.
5G PPP Automotive Working Group: Business Feasibility Study for 5G V2X Deployment
Publication date | 14 December 2020This second version of the white paper from the 5G PPP Automotive Working Group builds on the first one, which was published in early 2018.
Three Features That 5G Networks Will Enable in Autonomous Driving
Publication date | 02 December 2020Mobile broadband evolution is on the path to 5G, the next generation in cellular networks. This brings exciting new opportunities to many industries, including autonomous vehicles. But do autonomous vehicles need 5G?
A range of ERTICO innovations showcased at the Virtual ITS European Congress
Publication date | 25 November 2020The words of resilience, sustainability, automation and new mobility were amongst the most heard during the first ever Virtual ITS Congress, held on 9 and 10 November. Over 600 mobility experts including many ERTICO Partners joined the 20+ virtual sessions with great enthusiasm.
5G Innovation and Digital Transformation
Publication date | 10 November 2020The article is available at p.99. Source: Mobile World
5GPPP October newsflash
Publication date | 06 November 2020The 5G-PPP webinar ‘5G for Cooperative, Connected and Automated Mobility (CCAM)’ will be held on November 6, 2020. The webinar will take place in two sessions.
5GPPP Newsletter
Publication date | 06 November 2020Despite the Covid-19 pandemic, 5G is still on. The number of European 5G alive networks is still growing. 5G is now available in 17 Member States (in EU27) and in 20 EU countries.
5GPPP white paper: 5G trials for cooperative, connected and automated European cross-border corridors
Publication date | 26 October 2020The new white paper from the ICT-18 projects introduces the scope, use cases, trial sites and particularities of each of the three H2020-ICT-18-2018 5G PPP corridor projects: 5GCroCo, 5G-CARMEN and 5G-MOBIX.
AKKA and ERTICO team on cross-border driving
Publication date | 23 July 20205G-MOBIX is developing and testing automated vehicle functionalities using 5G core innovations along multiple cross-border corridors and urban trial sites in real-time vehicle traffic, network coverage and service demand conditions.
AKKA research: 5G-MOBIX - new 5G cross-border corridors for connected and automated driving
Publication date | 16 July 2020AKKA Research (Paris:AKA) (BSE:AKA) (ISIN:FR0004180537), AKKA’s in-house R&D and innovation centre, and ERTICO – ITS Europe, a public-private partnership of approximately 120 companies and organisations, join forces to deliver critical milestones for the 5G-MOBIX project, bringing automated cross-border driving a step closer to reality. In today’s hyper-mobile world, enabling cross-border interoperability plays a critical role in making autonomous possible.
Akka : le projet 5G-MOBIX avance
Publication date | 16 July 2020AKKA Research, le centre interne de 'R&D' et d'innovation d'AKKA, et ERTICO - ITS Europe, un partenariat public-privé d'environ 120 entreprises et organisations, unissent leurs forces pour franchir les étapes critiques dans le cadre du projet '5G-MOBIX' qui rapproche la conduite transfrontalière autonome de la réalité. Dans un monde hyper-mobile, permettre l'interopérabilité transfrontalière joue un rôle primordial pour rendre possible la conduite autonome.
El problema de Europa: ladependencia tecnológica de EstadosUnidos y China
Publication date | 28 June 2020Los tres principales corredores 5G en pruebas son 5G-CARMEN, que conecta Bolonia (Italia) con Múnich(Alemania); 5GCROCO, triangulando las ciudades de Metz(Francia), Merzig (Alemania) y Luxemburgo; y 5G-Mobix, queune Portugal y España a través de las ciudades entre Oportoy Vigo y entre Évora y Mérida.
KPN in European research project 5G-Blueprint
Publication date | 17 June 2020Participation in '5G Blueprint' is a logical step for KPN in view of the ongoing EU projects Concorda and 5G-MOBIX, in which advanced mobile network technology is tested for applicability within (future) mobility concepts. From the 5G FieldLab Automotive in Helmond, KPN is also involved in experiments with connectivity of self-driving cars and intelligent transport systems.
5G PPP Technology Board Workshop 2020
Publication date | 10 June 20205G MOBIX has been presented by Partner Wings ICT Solutions during the 5GPPP Technical Board Workshop.
5G-MOBIX: Cross-Border Connectivity Trials
Publication date | 20 May 2020With 5G roll-out a hot topic for 2020, the enhanced connectivity is going to mean more than just faster streaming and quicker downloads on your mobile. Ashweeni Beeharee, our Head of Communication Systems Engineering, shares an overview of a project the Catapult is involved in to combat loss of connectivity for autonomous vehicles across country borders.
El 5G Forum Virtual 2020 abre su plataforma con videoreuniones, demos y webinar exclusivo
Publication date | 27 April 2020Por su parte, la multinacional finlandesa Nokia presentará cuatro demostraciones entre las que se encuentran proyectos como CELTIC 5G-PERFECTA , CELTIC UNICRINF , H2020 5G-MOBIX y H2020 5G-EVE , que abordan temáticas como el comportamiento real de la red y los servicios 5G,protocolos adecuados de emergencias y de conducción remota, entre otras.
Nokia presenta en el 5GForum virtual nuevas formas de conectar con los demás
Publication date | 07 April 2020Villegas presentará distintos casos de uso del 5G derivados de los proyectos europeos H2020 en curso (5G-MOBIX y 5G-EVE) y de los proyectos nacionales del CDTI (UNICRINF y 5G-PERFECTA), en los que aprovechan la tecnología 5G de última generación para romper eficazmente la barrera de la distancia para la comunicación humana.
Las pruebas 5G más punteras, en el 5G Forum de Málaga
Publication date | 10 March 2020Además, se mostrará la colaboración con Nokia Spain en proyectos CDTI CELTIC UNICRINF, CDTI CELTIC 5G-PERFECTA y H2020 5G-MOBIX con drones y vehículos conectados.
5G - Independent publication by Racounteur
Publication date | 24 February 20205G IA contributed to a special 5G Report published in the Raconteur of the The Times.
Experience the benefits of vehicle connectivity at ITS European Congress
Publication date | 19 February 20205G technology will be examined in the 5G- Mobix HD Maps use case demonstration, which focusses on the capability of automated vehicles and roadside infrastructure to detect changes in the road and HD map used for driving.
5G ecosystem paves the way to automated vehicles
Publication date | 06 February 2020In partnership with companies across the globe, Nokia has tested connected vehicle capabilities and gathered a wealth of experiences and field data.
Helmond hosts 5G demonstration in autonomous driving and ITS
Publication date | 29 January 2020A first remote driving demo was successfully tested in the Netherlands thanks to the European projects 5G-MOBIX and CONCORDA. The two ERTICO-led activities were in the spotlight at the KPN’s 5G themed event on 21 January 2020. During the event the participants could see actual demos of the remote driving use case in 5G-MOBIX in two vehicles.
KPN 5G FieldLab on the Automotive Campus: Step bystep towards future mobility
Publication date | 27 January 2020KPN's automotive 5G Field Lab has started at the Automotive Campus in Helmond. As part of the European Concorda project, KPN, Ericsson, TU Eindhoven, Tass International and OPNT are testing the possibilities of connected & automated driving.
Berliner Morgenpost: 5G MOBIX for smarter streets in Berlin
Publication date | 19 June 2019The local "Berliner Morgen Post" published an article about the the Technical University of Berlin team headed by Professor Sahin Albayrak digitizing the roundabout at Ernst-Reuter-Platz across the Straße des 17. Juni to the Brandenburg Gate. As the full article is in German, the paragraph below provide you with a short summary of the relevant parts of the article.