5G-MOBIX Trial Sites are showing off
The 5G-MOBIX trials have been assessing the added value of 5G connectivity for connected and Automated Mobility (CAM) services and functionalities in cross-border conditions. 5G-MOBIX trial sites include two Cross-Border Corridors (Greece-Turkey and Spain-Portugal) and six local Trial Sites in France, Germany, Netherlands, Finland, China and South Korea, which are bringing complementary insights to the cross-border issues trialled at the Corridors.
The Netherlands Trial Site is getting the ball rolling with an event on April 5th 2022, including presentations, workshops, interactive discussions and live demonstrations of Collision Avoidance & Remote Driving use cases.
The French Trial Site will follow with a Demonstration & Seminar event on 21 April 2022, including presentations of the 5G-MOBIX tests results and connected 5G projects 5GMED, 5GMETA, 5G Open Road. Demonstrations of service continuity and dynamic communication quality aspects for the infrastructure-assisted advanced driving use case, will be followed by a panel discussion on "Vision of 5G and CCAM by market players".
On 28 April 2022, it is the turn of the Finland Trial Site to present their results and showcase in a live demonstration the impacts of the considered 5G service continuity solutions for remote driving in a 5G multi-PLMN environment, from the perspective of the automated vehicle and from that of the operator at the Remote Operations Centre (ROC).
Last but not least, our first Cross-border Corridor demo event will take place on 10 May 2022, when the Greece-Turkey trial site will present their results and tested solutions in demonstrations of the ‘See What I see’ functionality for trucks driving in platoon formation as well as remote vehicle inspection, predictive risk assessment and automated truck routing into customs area, over the border between Kipoi and Ipsala.
While further details on the programme and registration will shortly follow for Finland and Greece-Turkey, you may already register for the events in the Netherlands and France.
The dates for the Germany Trial Site virtual event and the final event at the Spain-Portugal Cross-border Corridor will soon be announced. So stay tuned and follow us!