5G-MOBIX evaluation results and recommendations
The webinar presented a comprehensive overview of the 5G-MOBIX evaluation results and recommendations.
Webinar 5G-MOBIX Chinese Trial Site's results and lessons learnt on 5G for CAM
The webinar presented the outcome of the 5G-MOBIX China trials, the results obtained in relation and the derived lessons learnt. It also included video demonstrations of the tested solutions.
Webinar 5G-MOBIX Korean Trial Site's results and lessons learnt on 5G for CAM
The webinar presented the outcome of the 5G-MOBIX Korea trials, the results obtained in relation and the derived lessons learnt. It also included video demonstrations of the tested solutions.
Webinar 5G-MOBIX Netherlands Trial Site's results and lessons learnt on 5G for CAM
The webinar presented the outcome of the 5G-MOBIX Netherlands trials, the results obtained in relation and the derived lessons learnt. It also included video demonstrations of the tested solutions.
Webinar 5G-MOBIX German Trial Site's results and lessons learnt on 5G for CAM
The webinar presented the outcome of the 5G-MOBIX German trials, the results obtained in relation and the derived lessons learnt. It also included video demonstrations of the tested solutions.
Webinar 5G-MOBIX French Trial Site's results and lessons learnt on 5G for CAM
The webinar presented the outcome of the 5G-MOBIX France trials, the results obtained in relation and the derived lessons learnt. It also included video demonstrations of the tested solutions.
Webinar 5G-MOBIX Finland Trial Site's results and lessons learnt on 5G for CAM
The webinar presented the outcome and lessons learnt from the trials in 5G-MOBIX Finland Site, including video demonstrations of the tested solutions.
5G-MOBIX Webinar - 5G for CAM Deployment Challenges and Lessons Learned
In this webinar, 5G-MOBIX, 5G-CroCo and 5G-CARMEN brought forward their experience on challenges and lessons learned from deployment and integration of 5G for CAM use cases in cross-border scenarios, regarding namely 5G network connectivity, vehicles/OBUs, software tools.
Challenges and recommendations to 5G for CAM deployment in Cross-border scenarios
This webinar focuses on the analysis of the challenges surrounding 5G for CAM deployment in cross border scenarios, as well as recommendations on Deployment Enablers stemming from the experience of the project.
Workshop on the Deployment Methodology of 5G for CAM on Cross-Border Corridors
5G-MOBIX members, together with the European Commission, gathered on 26 March for a half-day workshop focussing on the Deployment Methodology of 5G for CAM on Cross-Border Corridors. The workshop brought together experts from OEMs, Mobile Suppliers, the Automotive Industry, Municipalities, Local Governments and Road Operators involved in 5G/ cross-border testing or deployment of CCAM services.
5G PPP Webinar: 5G for Cooperative, Connected and Automated Mobility (CCAM)
This webinar was run in two parts, focusing on the ongoing CCAM work and the white paper produced by the three H2020-ICT-18-2018 5G PPP corridor projects and the new CAM related Projects under the 5G-PPP ICT-53-2020 call: 5GBlueprint, 5GMED, 5G-ROUTES and 5GRail.
5G MOBIX Evaluation Framework: webinar nr. 4
The 4th 5G MOBIX Webinar, hosted by the ERTICO Academy, will great you after the summer break. Save the date and don't forget to register!
Presentation of the Greek-Turkish cross border corridor: activities & objectives
The 5G MOBIX webinars continue, this time moving to the Greek-Turkish cross border corridor: save the date!
5G-MOBIX: Presentation of the ES – PT Cross Border Corridor. A Webinar hosted by the ERTICO Academy
The webinar is organised to present the Spanish-Portuguese Cross Border Corridor of 5G-MOBIX and its preliminary findings. It will give an overview of the corridor and the related use cases. The webinar is hosted by the ERTICO Academy.
Cooperative, Connected and Automated Mobility use cases for initial deployment of 5G technological innovations
The webinar will focus on presenting the 5G-MOBIX project at relevant stakeholders and interested parties.