Webinar 5G-MOBIX Finland Trial Site's results and lessons learnt on 5G for CAM
The 5G-MOBIX EC project trials have been assessing the added value of 5G connectivity for connected and Automated Mobility (CAM) services and functionalities in cross-border conditions. 5G-MOBIX trial sites include two Cross-Border Corridors (Greece-Turkey and Spain-Portugal) and six local Trial Sites in France, Germany, Netherlands, Finland, China and South Korea (bringing complementary insights to the cross-border issues trialled at the Corridors).
This webinar presented the Finland Trial Site contributions and trial results testing 5G service continuity solutions with a focus on remote driving use case in a 5G multi-PLMN environment. These solutions ensure availability of adequate vehicle-to-network connectivity for continuous transmission of the data traffic streams from the vehicle to the Remote Operations Centre (ROC), and timely reception of command messages from ROC to the vehicle.
Ozgur Umut Akgul is currently a Postdoctoral researcher with the Department of Communications and Networking, Aalto University. He received B.S. in electronics enginnering and electrical engineering and M.S in computer engineering from Istanbul Technical University, Turkey, in 2011 and 2014, respectively, and a Ph.D. in information
technology from Politecnico di Milano in 2019. His research interests focus on optimization models, mathematical programming, and machine learning, with the application of these techniques to wireless network problems such as wireless resource allocation, edge computing, anticipatory network optimization, infrastructure and resource sharing, and network slicing
Dr. Edward Mutafungwa has served as a Staff Scientist at the Department of Communications and Networks (COMNET) of Aalto University School of Electrical Engineering. He received the Dr. Sc. Tech. degree in communications engineering from the Helsinki University of Technology TKK (now Aalto University), and the MSc in Telecommunications and Information Systems, from University of Essex, Great Britain. In his position, Edward had multiple roles as a lecturer, researcher and project manager in various national and international projects implemented at Aalto University. These roles including serving as project manager for the H2020 EU-Korea PriMO-5G project, Work Package Leader in H2020 TERAWAY and the co-project manager for the Finland test site of the H2020 5G-MOBIX project. He has authored or co-authored over 80 scientific publications and served in leadership roles in organizing committees of various (IEEE and other) international conferences.
Timo Mustonen works as a Portfolio Manager for Research and Innovation Collaboration at Sensible 4, a Finnish startup that develops full-stack autonomous driving software for commercial last-mile vehicles that operate in all weather conditions. With over 10 years in international innovation field, Mr. Mustonen now focuses on helping to solve future automotive challenges.
Session title
Introduction of the 5G-MOBIX project and Finland Trial Site (Ozgur Akgul, AALTO University)
Sensible 4 test vehicle AVA, the remote driving test case and motivation (Timo Mustonen, Sensible 4)
Description of trial objectives, demo story board, test environment and setup (Edward Mutafungwa, AALTO University)
Trial results (Edward Mutafungwa, AALTO University)
Lessons Learned (Edward Mutafungwa, AALTO University)